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What's in a knitting kit?

Every material needed to build your finished object is inside the kit!

Our knitting kit has the following:

  1. A printed pattern with instructions, size guide and all the necessary information.
  2. Yarn balls as per the colors and size you choose at checkout.
  3. A pair of knitting needles of the size with which the pattern has been made

Our longer take on what is a knitting kit 


Our knitting kit is the perfect solution for anyone looking to start a new project or simplify the process of getting started. With a printed pattern, yarn balls, and a pair of knitting needles all included, you'll have everything you need to create a beautiful finished object.


The pattern is designed to guide you through the process step-by-step, from casting on your stitches to binding off at the end. It includes a size guide and all the necessary information, as well as any special stitches or techniques you'll need to know to complete your project.


The yarn balls come in the colors and size you choose at checkout, so you won't have to worry about buying too much or too little yarn. Depending on the project, you may receive one or more colors of yarn, tailored to the size of the finished object you're creating.


Finally, you'll receive a pair of knitting needles in the size with which the pattern has been made. This is important, as different needle sizes can produce different stitch sizes and overall finished object sizes. The needle size will be clearly indicated on the pattern, so you can be sure you have the right size to complete your project.


Using a knitting kit can save you time and effort, as you won't have to spend time searching for each individual component or worrying about whether you have the right materials. Everything is included in the kit, so you can focus on the knitting itself. Once you've completed your project, you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that you did it all yourself - with a little help from our kit!


Overall, our knitting kit is a convenient and comprehensive way to start your next project. With the pattern, yarn, and needles all included, you can jump right in and start creating. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced knitter, our kit is a great option for anyone who wants to simplify the process and create a beautiful finished object.